The Chrysalis

The Story of the Chrysalis

by Lyrric Jackson

In a vast and vibrant continent, a queen monarch butterfly danced gracefully across the fields, her wings a tapestry of orange and black. Her mission was clear: to pollinate the plants and crops, a noble task that sustained countless ecosystems. Amidst her journey, she laid her precious eggs, tiny specks of life promising to carry on her legacy. And from each of those eggs, five humble caterpillars emerged, their destiny intertwined with the essential work of their noble mother. As the seasons turned, the queen monarch's wings grew weary, and she departed this world, leaving her offspring to navigate the intricate dance of life alone. Yet, her teachings lingered, woven into the very fabric of their being.

With each passing day, the young caterpillars ventured forth, feasting on leaves and growing stronger with each molt until they were ready to embark on their own transformative journey. Patiently, they spun their cocoons, each thread a testament to their resilience and determination. They underwent a profound metamorphosis within the sanctuaries of their chrysalises, shedding their former selves to emerge anew. And as the sun kissed the horizon, they emerged, resplendent in their newfound glory, wings unfurling to embrace the world.

Guided by instinct and the whispers of their ancestors, they flitted from flower to flower, sipping sweet nectar as they danced upon the breeze. Like their mother’s before them, their mission was clear: to pollinate, reproduce, and perpetuate the cycle of life. And so, the legacy of the queen monarch lived on in the delicate wings of her descendants, a testament to the enduring power of nature's beauty and the invaluable role each creature plays in the grand tapestry of life.

Act I: The Birth of a Legacy

What of a Caterpillar?

Choreographer: Akilah T.

Dance Artist(s): Akilah T.

The Birth/Rebirth

Choreographer: Lyrric Jackson

Dance Artist(s): Brees B., Kaitlyn B., Heidi H., Akilah T., Maysa R.W.

The Beginning

Choreographer: Maysa R.W.

Dance Artist(s): Maysa R.W.


Choreographer: Lyrric Jackson

Dance Artist(s)s: Brees B., Kaitlyn B., Heidi H., Akilah T., Maysa R.W.

Act II: The Journey of Transformation


Choreographer: Kaitlyn B.

Dance Artist(s)s: Kaitlyn B.


Choreographer: Victoria Woodward

Dance Artist(s)s: Brees B., Kaitlyn B., Heidi H., Akilah T., Maysa R.W.

Encased Transfiguration

Choreographer: Graham Schelor

Dance Artist(s)s: Brees B., Kaitlyn B., Heidi H., Akilah T., Maysa R.W.

Into the Chrysalis

Choreographer: Heidi H.

Dance Artist(s)s: Heidi H.


Choreographer: Patsy Collins

Dance Artist(s)s: Kaitlyn B., Heidi H., Akilah T., Maysa R.W.


Choreographer: Mya Butler

Dance Artist(s)s: Brees B., Kaitlyn B., Heidi H., Akilah T., Maysa R.W.

Act III:  The Butterfly's Flight


Choreographer: Jasmine Newsome

Dance Artist(s)s: Kaitlyn B., Heidi H., Akilah T., Maysa R.W.

The Final Flight

Choreographer: Brees B.

Dance Artist(s)s: Brees B.

The Chrysalis

Poems by Act

Poems by Lyrric Jackson

Japanese Audio Translations by Kyoko Takeuchi

Act I: The Birth of a Legacy

What of a Caterpillar?

What is a caterpillar that cannot eat

What is a flower that cannot grow

What is a star that is unable to shine

Where will I send a bird that cannot fly

Deeply waiting and navigating the journey

What is a tree that cannot take root

What is a moon with no place to orbit

And where does a lost soul find solitude

In the depths, we wonder, hearts tried and true

Awaiting an answer to the questions we drew

What is a lotus that never blooms

A baby to be born that never takes to the womb

What can be said of a caterpillar that never discovers food

A butterfly still furled, remaining in its chrysalis, who's beauty may never be consumed

What of a queen ending her reign

A monarch with no empire

A caterpillar with no cocoon

The Beginning

We are unwounded yet at times we stumble

To lose you is like a momentary coma

You were our breath

How might we take this journey now?

Will we make it to the destination without the scars of the quest?

What is this uncomfortable process?

The more we eat, the more we grow

Only, we quite miss the spiritual food that came from you

There was a wisdom to your flight

A grace that we could never match but could admire

We need you to help us

Our wings have not unfurled

We are still so small, how will we master this with no wings to help us soar

You must come back

Our souls now have no home

Are we to truly do this alone?

Act II: The Journey of Transformation


As we find our way to see the self clearly 

We must acknowledge every part 

The darkness

The light

The doubt

The confidence

The uncertainty

The fearlessness

This is an ode to the source of self transformation we all seek out in our darkest hours 

To the the affirmations that light the way as we brave the journey

We are never on our own

We never fly without the company of wind

There is always time to grow

We only have to trust the path that has been set forth 

And take flight

Into the Chrysalis

To transform

To change

Life's process is that of a mystery

As we unfold our wings and begin to fly

Here is where we remember to be brave

Where our hearts become fearless

The sun begins to energize parts of us that we didn't know needed the warmth

The moon lights the dark pathways when we can't see

We change as we break free

Our spirit is no longer enclosed

Our wings are free to expand and grow

We are free

Able to roam and master the journey ahead

We are free

We are free

We are free

Act III:  The Butterfly's Flight

The Final Flight

After we fly we rest

Like the queen monarch before us

We take on the circle of life

Our wings remembered for how far they flew

We have done all that we set out to do

Here we no longer wonder

There is no more fear to be faced

There is only love here

We rest in knowing that there is purpose in this place

We have conquered more 

We have seen the most beautiful blooms 

As they open to live for the spring

We experience their fragrance until they wilt

And we can no longer taste their sweet nectar

Until our purpose no longer lives

Until it is time for us to wilt

Dancing, dancing butterfly

All around the world you fly

Dancing, dancing butterfly

Now it's time to say goodbye

The Dance Artists.

  • Brees B.

    Pre-Professional Company Member

  • Kaitlyn B.

    Pre-Professional Company Member

  • Heidi H.

    Pre-Professional Company Member

  • Akilah Thomas

    Pre-Professional Company Member

  • Maysa Rice-Walker

    Pre-Professional Company Member

The Artists.

  • Lyrric Jackson

    Founder & Artistic Director

  • Kyoko Takeuchi

    Visual Artist

  • Aryanna Allen

    Education & Administrative Director

  • Jasmine Newsome

    Lead Dance Instructor

  • Mya Butler

    Assistant to the Founder & Administrative Intern

  • Victoria Woodward

    Education Intern

  • Patsy Collins

    Guest Artist

  • Graham Schelor

    Guest Artist

Congratulations Maysa on all of your achievements in dance. We Love You! Grandma and Granddad!

Congratulations Maysa, Love Cousin Benidia!

Congratulations Maysa! Love TT Lynne!

Keep working hard Masya! -Lyrrad Consulting LLC

Congratulations Maysa on another successful year of dancing! Keep Dreaming and Shooting for the stars!

Congratulations Maysa on all of your achievements in dance. We Love You! Grandma and Granddad! Congratulations Maysa, Love Cousin Benidia! Congratulations Maysa! Love TT Lynne! Keep working hard Masya! -Lyrrad Consulting LLC Congratulations Maysa on another successful year of dancing! Keep Dreaming and Shooting for the stars!

Thank you to our Donors:

Daynna Bankston

Derrick & Alexis Burgess

The Cosby Jackson Family

Bernard Jackson**

Cliff Jackson

Lyrrad Consulting, LLC

Marjorie Moss

Robin O’Neal

Deun Pickett**

Darrell Reid

Benidia Rice

Keith & Nakeisha Rice

Ketra Rice

Miranda Rice

Robert & Merline Rice

Kyoko Takeuchi **

Amechi Thomas

The Yee Family Foundation

** Artist/Collaborator

Make a donation.

Lyrric Jackson Dance is a grassroots dance education organization and performance art company that receives donations through the support of our local non-profit fiscal sponsor, T. Lang Dance. Your tax-deductible gift will assist our company in continuing to provide wholistic dance programming for local and global youth dance artists and professionals. Our education program mission is to foster creativity, communication skills, leadership, and empathy that keeps emerging dance artists at the forefront of the learning experience.

Fiscal Sponsor: T. Lang Dance, Inc.

Instructions: To donate, please notate Lyrric Jackson Dance as the donation recipient.

EIN: 81-2632268